tech-ed-2010-us-2044ws This morning starts with a useful session: “Useful hacker techniques – which part of hackers’ knowledge will help you in efficient IT administration?”

My conclusion after this session is this: “You must think the same way a hacker do for test your own network and server security”.

I get two another DPM session today:  “Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010, Part 1: Technical Introduction and Part 2: Protecting Applications”. This knowledge I get here is already shared with my collage at home. We have now enough information about DPM so we can do the right thing and save money.

Check this podcast – Where does DPM fit in the Windows backup market

“SharePoint Security: Permissions, Identities, and Objects” and ”What’s New in OWA, Mobility, and Calendaring in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1” is two session I will get more deeper in too back at home.

We use Hyper-V server in a cluster, but we have forgot something important. What about the server we are running from HP in a virtual environment ? The session “HP Insight Control for Microsoft System Center “ give me some answer.

Folks, we have some work to do when I come home !!!